Become Our Patient
To become a new patient, call our office to schedule an appointment. Once you are established as a patient, you will be able to use the patient portal (Elation Passport) to exchange important health information and view upcoming appointments.
Dr. Achari is usually booked several weeks in advance. Once your appointment is confirmed, you will receive an appointment reminder text or email from our EMR Elation, a few days before your appointment. Please do not attempt to communicate by replying to this text, as it is used for reminders, confirmation and cancellations only.
Requirements for NEW PATIENTS:
Join the Patient Portal, Elation Passport. (See instructions on this site "Using Our Patient Portal")
Completed & Signed Patient Forms. You will receive an email from echosign@integratedneurology.com with a link to our patient forms. Follow the link, complete, sign and hit SEND. Only when we have received completed/signed forms, IDs & Insurance information, will we HOLD and CONFIRM your appointment. Please complete as soon as possible in order to avoid cancellation and rescheduling.
Copies of your Photo ID, Insurance cards (front and back) and COVID Vaccination record.
Signed Membership Agreement and payment of quarterly or annual fee.
Any labs or imaging that you would like Dr. Achari to review. Call our office to arrange delivery.